
CO K-4 #2776, Washington Court House, OH

#2776 was built in 1947 at Alco's Schenectady, NY, works and was one of the last thirty of the Berkshire type (2-8-4) ordered by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad (#2760-#2789). The locomotive went on display in Jesse Eyman Park in Washington Court House, OH, in 1960.

#2700 weighs 460,000 lbs, 292,000 lbs on its 69" drivers and has an 18' 2" driver wheelbase and 42' engine wheelbase. With a 90.3 sq ft grate area, 462 sq ft firebox and a total heating surface of 6,705 sq ft (including 1,932 sq ft superheating), it operated at a boiler pressure of 245 psi delivering 69,368 lbs tractive effort. The cast steel water bottom tender weighs 312,800 lbs light with a capacity of 30 tons of coal and 21,000 gallons of water.


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CO K-4 #2776, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court House
CO K-4 #2776, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court House

The name "Berkshire" was given to the 2-8-4 by the Boston & Albany after their division that crossed the Berkshire Hills.

They were known as "Kanawhas" on the C&O, after the river that cut through its operational heartland in West Virginia.

CO K-4 #2776, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court House
CO K-4 #2776, Washington Court House
CO K-4 #2776, Washington Court House

Right, #2776 is on display with I-5 caboose C-1939. The B&O rostered four hundred I-5 cabooses (C-1900-C-2299). C-1939 was built at Washington, IN, between November 1925 and February 1926 as part of the road's first large order.

Many I-5s had their wheelbase lengthened and were reclassed I-5c, those that had the lengthened wheelbase and extra ballast added, including C-1939, became class I-5D.

CO K-4 #2776, Washington Court House
BO I-5D Caboose C-1939, Washington Court HouseBO I-5D Caboose C-1939, Washington Court HouseCO K-4 #2776, Washington Court House